All right!! Due to unusual circumstances, I was going to have a long weekend with few demands on my time. Finally, I would have several days to go through my home office, clearing out and reorganizing!
Then right in the middle of the weekend I was hit with a vicious cold that left me feeling worn out, droopy--absolutely no energy. "I'm not supposed to catch a cold in summer!" Now this was really putting a kink in my plans.
So, Plan B--Take it easy, take the day off, then I'll feel better for tomorrow. "At least I can read," thought I. Then another glitch--one side effect of the cold was the feeling of gravel under my contact lenses. Reading would be very uncomfortable for awhile.
Plan B, Part 2--Sit back and listen to music with no distractions. That would be a luxury, since music is usually a background while I am doing something else--reading, housework, driving.
I picked out a CD (yes, I'm old-fashioned that way) that I'd had for awhile, one from a vocal group that I love. I had never learned to fully appreciate this particular CD, though, because I had played it only through speakers, either in the car or while working at the computer. I put on my headphones, since I have learned from experience that the sound is much better that way, thinking that I might pick up some beauty that I had missed previously on this CD.
And did I ever! This music totally wrapped itself around my mind, immersing me in a cloud of gorgeous sound. What was it? The name of the album is "Fine." The group goes by the name of RSVP (Reconciliation Singers Voices of Peace). This is a choir of 16 singers from the greater Sacramento area, all of whom are trained musicians with excellent voices. They donate their time and talent so that the proceeds of their concerts go to local charitable organizations.
With my undivided attention I was able to focus on the words and the gorgeous interplay of all the voices.
The first song, "Heavenly Crystal," lived up to its name with the crystalline sparkle of sopranos over the lower voices reminiscent of a flowing brook, as lovers sing their dream of an idyllic future together.
* * * * *
How well I could identify with the lyrics of the title song, "Fine"!
Tryin' to walk my troubles away,
My thoughts are heavy at the end of the day,
O this weary heart of mine,
If I start singin' then I know I'll be fine.
If I awake and I'm still alive,
I've got my problems but I'm gonna survive.
I take a breath and open my eyes
Then I start singin' and I'm gonna be fine.
* * * * *
And I just have to smile while listening to the bouncing, joyful notes as the singer remembers a childhood of knowing only love in the care of a grandmother who kept any negative self-images far removed from her home.
There were no mirrors in my Nana's house,
And the beauty that I saw in ev-er-y-thing
Was in her eyes, was in her eyes ....
If you appreciate good choral music, you will want to visit the RSVP website and hear a sample of their wonderful sound. In addition to "Fine" they have two other albums, "The Road Home" and a Christmas album, "Heavenly Peace." Go to their Store link, and you can buy any one of them for the best ten-dollar bargain you'll ever get.
And in the spirit of R.S.V.P., please write back with your own suggestion for some favorite music. If you can't figure out how to leave a Comment, no problem. Just email me at the address from which I sent you the notice of this blog. It would be fun to hear from a number of you, and I'll put together a whole list of your suggestions on a future blog entry.
What a wonderful, unexpected outcome of that unwelcome summer cold! From now on I promise myself to do this more often--sit back, close my eyes, and just listen!
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