A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension. [Oliver Wendell Holmes]

Monday, February 13, 2012

Who Are the Turkeys in Your Neighborhood?

"Hmm--this looks like a good neighborhood."

"Nice green grass.  Makes the bugs grow fat and tasty."

"Now, remember-- We say that we happen to be in the neighborhood doing some exterminator work, and we can make them a special deal.  Today only!"

"How were we supposed to read the 'No Solicitors' sign?"

Well, it's not always going to be serious here.  Sometimes you just gotta have fun!
These gals were walking down the street yesterday as though they own the neighborhood--and maybe they do.  We have quite a few wild turkeys around.  This is a regular suburban neighborhood--houses with front lawns and backyards--but there are a couple of nearby parks, with creeks connecting us.  The turkeys come around whenever they feel like it--and sometimes stop traffic when they are trying to cross a busy street.

1 comment:

  1. :-) hehehe.....I'd love to see a few turkeys walking down my street! So far we've had deer, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, skunks, opossums....but no turkeys!
