A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension. [Oliver Wendell Holmes]

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cutting for Blossom

Intrigued by its bright succulent leaves and delicate flowers, I bought a Kalanchoe plant several months ago and placed it indoors. 

After several months the blossoms dried up.  I didn't want to throw away the plant but, not sure how best to prune it, I just picked off the spent blossoms.

Obviously, this wasn't going to work.

Now I'm getting serious.
The old stems have to be sacrificed.


This is more like it.
Look at all that beautiful fresh growth

 OK--I won't belabor the point here.
We all know that sometimes it takes pain to bring about a new and improved version.
Gone is all the dead stuff -- as well as that gaudy, shiny paper.

But I'll dress it up in a new and pretty pot, give it lots of loving care--and hope for the best! 
Stay tuned.

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